Wanna Know the Truth? Ace of Swords

Our most valuable lessons are often learned through pain, uncomfortable situations, and the challenges we face. This year has been one big classroom! What have you been learning? Let’s talk about the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords In the tarot, the Swords are the difficult cards and are often linked with challenges, conflict,…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Tower Card Is One Of The Most Feared

Hey, it’s March! Lately, my readings have had a palpable theme.   My clients have been saying things like:  “I’m feeling stuck.”  “I’m not feeling any movement.”  “It’s as if there is something standing in my way, but I don’t know what it is.”  “I’m a bit anxious/fearful/unclear about what’s next for me.” Whatever is happening…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

High Priestess – Higher Truth

Hello November! Each year, summer turns to fall, fall rolls into Halloween and then, BOOM, it’s the holidays!  It is often this time of year when I begin to hear the lament “where did this year go?” or “I can’t believe it is almost the holidays” or, another familiar admission, “I still have so many…

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