Astrology Basics

A Place In The Sun

Hey there, stargazer! 🔭 How’s the summer going for you so far? 😎 Continuing our astrology series that started with The Big Three, we’re shedding some light (no pun intended) on the Sun today. You know, the big shining orb at the heart of your astrological chart and our universe.   The Sun is the brightest…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Queen of Cups – Living the Dream

Last week we learned that the Queen of Cups reacts with sensitivity and compassion, tends to be a deep thinker, and is guided by her own heart. Just like you!  🤩 Fun fact ➡️ She’s a gatekeeper between the conscious and subconscious mind, providing access to hidden truths and untapped potential. ⬅️ 🤩 Another intriguing aspect…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Ace of Cups – A New Beginning

We just turned the corner into Fall 🍂 and the newness of the season is in the air. There are the normal things: leaves changing color, daylight ending earlier, and wearing your favorite jacket that takes the edge off that chill. Then there’s the intuitive new stuff—you know, your spidey sense—the awareness that things are…

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Ten of Cups – Ever Upward

Hello, dear friend,   I hope this email finds you safe, well, warm, and sane. Since we’ve last connected, everything has changed. Everything.   We’re living in uncertain times. Yes, and… it’s important to remember that perspective is everything. We may not be able to control what happens, but we can control our thoughts and how…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Empress – Choose Joy

Is it just me, or are many of the conversations you’ve been having lately leaning towards the topic of joy? As in: Finding joy in your day, choosing the option that brings you the most joy, tossing clothes and other items that are clogging up your life because they don’t bring you joy, and asking yourself: “What brings me…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Three of Cups – Connected Abundance

Hello December! This past month, I had a milestone high school reunion.   Our zany, extroverted, funny and fearless high school class president has been shaking the tree and rallying the troops for months, urging everyone to come and celebrate.  We all noted, she hasn’t changed much! But, social media *has* changed things greatly since my high school…

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